President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden (SPOOF) – Now on iTunes! (Momentous Day)

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18 Responses to “President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden (SPOOF) – Now on iTunes! (Momentous Day)”

  1. Townbizz23 says:

    SMH I did not say “could” I said WILL. You are extremely deficient at reading. Go back and read my comments smh. You are wrong about the deficit. In Obama’s first four years the deficit shrunk by 300billion. What are you talking about? lol ur the uninformed one. I don’t care who runs the auto industry now, fact of the matter is, Obama saved it. If he wouldn’t have done nothing where do you think we would be? LMAO you think he can snap his fingers and brings us out a war? It’s a process.

  2. Townbizz23 says:

    The fact that you give him “NO CREDIT” is either evidence of your lack of awareness, or evidence of your extreme bias. Either way that’s your problem. If you want sources I have them feel free to message me.

  3. Townbizz23 says:

    LMAO did you just say 60,000 more men died in Iraq since Obama took office? Please elaborate, because a grand total of 263 US military personnel have died after 2008 in Iraq. What the hell are you talking about?

  4. Townbizz23 says:

    You sir, are fact deprived. Before you respond I advise you to do your homework. Ignorance isn’t always bliss.

  5. MissMMonster says:

    Wow, did this video really need to gain this comment debate. :|

  6. Teo MC says:

    No its not you Bush marched us in Obama could of marched us out it may take a while but it does not take 3 years to end an war and Obama has added more troops into Iraq and Afghanistan. By the way you do know were at 16 trillion in debt. Obama is a terrible president his whole cabinet is filled with lobbyists, he continuing the policies that Bush started etc.

  7. Teo MC says:

    As a Senator Obama promised to end the Iraq war in 16 months and then he said he was going to bring home the troops reported by the L.A times and then reported by the Huffington Post Obama was going to keep troops in Iraq for another 23 months. Then reported by the Daily Star Obama added 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. Obama promised to repeal the patriot act but then Obama reported by the Trial to rapidly expand the patriot act which is illegally wire tapping U.S citizens and water boarding illeg

  8. Teo MC says:

    Obama then promised to American workers that he was going to re negotiate NAFTA but then reported by the New York times that he told Canadian officials that it was just campaign talk and that he was going to keep NAFTA the way it is. Obama then promised to never have lobbyists running his administration but then he hired top lobbyists like Leon Panetta, Susan Rice, Rahm Emanuel etc. Obama then promised transparency but then he put less C – SPAN cameras in the white house and has censored

  9. Teo MC says:

    More whistleblowers than any other president in history. Obama promised to close GITMO but then signed an executive order supposedly to close GITMO but ABC News reported that the executive order only said that he might close GITMO in 2 years and that he would continue and expand the indefinite detention of suspected terrorists’s and illegally torture them. The L.A times reported that Obama would start secret abductions. Obama has given the federal reserve ten times more power than ever

  10. Teo MC says:

    Obama has spent more money than any other president in history besides FDR. Obama signed HR3457 which completely repeals freedom of speech. Obama spent 3 trillion dollars on Solynra and the money came from our hard earned cash and it went bankrupt and it laid off thousands of workers. Obama is an actor and a liar and you need to wake up because time and time through out history people buy into their elected officials crap e.g Nazi Germany.

  11. Juan Luckey says:

    Round of MF applause

  12. way to ruin a perfectly good PARODY.

  13. NySan Carr says:

    Dont care about the info the song is good he has skill

  14. @Teo MC dude you came to a fucking parody to complain. Shut the hell up, just wait for 4 years…

  15. FlentMan says:

    Hahaha mad skills!

  16. joefumble2 says:

    Hard to believe this whole thing started with “i wonder if Obama has seen this”

  17. Jason Jusino says:

    This is hilarious!

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