In Pendulum A Montage By The Trout 91 (MW2 Gameplay Montage) Click the above to watch Slow To Dream A Montage By The Trout 91 (MW2 Music Montage) Modern Warfare 2: In Pendulum…

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8 Responses to “In Pendulum A Montage By The Trout 91 (MW2 Gameplay Montage)”

  1. In the Key of Pendulum – Approaching Nirvana

  2. Jay Howard says:

    This was the first montage I ever watched. <3 Trout

  3. One word description: AWESOME!

  4. nitroo78 says:

    Ahh MW2 Days…

  5. TiMaRisque says:

    Super ta video je t’invite et aux autres à venir voir notre chaine TiMaRisque pour des commentaries, des tutos, des montages et autres avec Eogle One et Le Sétois 347… Et à vous abonnez ;)

  6. Dragonborn73 says:

    Still best montage EVER

  7. DeityFlex says:

    Hey! I’m posting to seek some viewers and constructive criticism for the content that I upload to my channel. I find creating fun, but knowing that people are actually looking at my creations and perhaps even leaving feedback is just as fun for me and helps motivate me further. Anything from artwork to montages, guides, and even unboxing videos will be uploaded to my channel; and there’s some content uploaded already! If you’ve got spare time, and are interested then why not check it out? Peace!

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