Winners dance school girl’s hiphop 2

winners dance school girl's hiphop 2

winners dance school girl's hiphop 2.

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10 Responses to “Winners dance school girl’s hiphop 2”

  1. Hyunnielee says:

    does the middle girl have a youtube acc? whats her name?

  2. TheSunnRose says:

    …try to rely less on your femininity, and put more ACTUAL hip hop in there. You guys touched on hip hop, but don’t understand it…

  3. awsome dance, you rock girls!

  4. grace lee says:

    what is the name of this song??

  5. xiloveyaax says:

    Willow Smith; whip my hair

  6. mywordsfly says:

    1 and 2 and 3 and 4….I guess that’s dance

  7. I love it! I don’t understand why people are being so negative on all the videos I’ve watched of you guys.. jealousy I guess ahahah

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