Shostakovich – Jazz Suite No. 1: I. Waltz – Part 1/3

Jazz Suite No. 1: I. Waltz Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) Conductor: Dmitry Yablonsky Ensemble: Russian State Symphony Orchestra.

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15 Responses to “Shostakovich – Jazz Suite No. 1: I. Waltz – Part 1/3”

  1. Tuxster3 says:

    Sure, a composer can call his music anything he wants, but there is nothing “jazz” about this music. Great composer though he was, jazz purists would not call this music jazz, and I tend to agree.

  2. mhdecoursey says:

    @Tuxster3: All the compositions of the “Big Band” era (see Wikipedia) were written on paper prior to performance. The distinction between classical music and jazz is subtle and slippery.  As in many other subjects, a “purist” maintains easy distinctions only by drawing artificial lines that no one else can see. Leonard Bernstein and George Gershwin also romped happily in the borderlands where purists never venture.

  3. Tuxster3 says:

    To the “purists” those “lines” are not artificial and can be seen quite well. So, I tend to agree with the purists.

  4. this is the piece that made me fall in love with shostakovich when i was 12 .. <3 . Till this day it remains my favourite waltz to listen + imagine dancing to~

  5. izkalay says:

    I can’t believe people listen to all the new modern stuff when they have real music like this. Dance, do your homework, procrastinate, do whatever you want, but this is the music for you. Not the noise they now call music. Shostakovich… heaven to hear, a nightmare to play.

  6. Smaugsoup says:

    Music is sliding on my mind ….

  7. rntbprz says:

    sadly his work is usually said to be someone else’s

  8. Andi766 says:

    Da Guade Schoschtl!

  9. Dennis Webb says:

    Categories should not be taken so seriously. They are made by humans, not God.

  10. Al Sh says:

    sorry to state the obvious but… FUCK THIS NEW YOUTUBE LAYOUT!!!!!!

  11. nhedler says:

    While this certainly wouldn’t qualify as jazz per se, I think it’s still not too much to say that there are definitely jazz influences.

  12. timsea81 says:

    This is the height of music over the past century. Nothing has touched this since.

  13. chrisb0000 says:

    The living truth that shostakovich composed also for “the common ears”!

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