“Hip Hop” by Pace Won and Mr. Green

"Hip Hop" by Pace Won and Mr. Green

Pace Won and Mr. Green "HIP HOP" The Only Color That Matters Is Green Raw Poetix Records Directed By Phil Sedehi Cinematography by Lucas Pruchnik Edited By J…

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15 Responses to ““Hip Hop” by Pace Won and Mr. Green”

  1. “Hip Hop was set out in the dark,
    They used to do it out in the park”

    Now this is real hip hop, you can’t disagree. People should start searching for real hip hop music and support it instead of saying hip hop is dead. It will be if we, the fans, don’t keep it alive.

  2. jena johnson says:

    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. – Romans 6:23 (repent and believe onto Jesus Christ as your only Savior!) Come to Christ:)……….FOR DESTRUCTION OF DEATH METAL BANDS WE PRAY IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME.

  3. jena johnson says:

    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. – Romans 6:23 (repent and believe onto Jesus Christ as your only Savior!) Come to Christ:)……….FOR DESTRUCTION OF DEATH METAL BANDS WE PRAY IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME.

  4. jena johnson says:

    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. – Romans 6:23 (repent and believe onto Jesus Christ as your only Savior!) Come to Christ:)……….FOR DESTRUCTION OF DEATH METAL BANDS WE PRAY IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME.

  5. John Karkov says:

    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. – Romans 6:23 (repent and believe onto Jesus Christ as your only Savior!) Come to Christ:)……….FOR DESTRUCTION OF DEATH METAL BANDS WE PRAY IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME.

  6. mikerasta84p says:

    like joel santana? LOL! dope shit 4 real!!!

  7. Aspetmusic says:

    ☛ Please, before you ignore this just think if you were in my position how much you would want everyone to give you a chance.. ☚

    All I ask is that you please check out my channel. I’m a rapper and you have NOTHING to lose by listening..

    By NOT listening, you could miss out on who could have became one of your new favorite rappers. And I know that sounds crazy but you never know
    I’d appreciate if you subscribed too!
    ✖ & before I go, thanks to everyone who gave me a chance! ✖and pls tumb up

  8. Rap is mtv?
    Fuck you.

  9. yeah RAP is mtv. HIP HOP is completely different. what the fuck is your point mister fucking “caucasianbullets”?

  10. Eloquently HipHop Production Will Support You!! – Miklo

  11. What the fuck do you know about rap you little swag boy.
    When you niggers hear rap you think it’s all about black monkeys barking ghetto bullshit.
    Go listen to some real rap & come back later you fucking spoiled bitch. Go back to liking facebook statuses about life, thats what you nigger swagboys are good at right?
    Templarmoney LOL

  12. im not even black lol something i realized was most of the good rappers i know of are white. atmosphere and diabolic are my favorite diabolic is irish and german hes one of the best lyricists i know. i know about hip hop not rap, rap is just words but hip hop is a culture. and if you think that was an insult, all you did was make yourself look like a ignorant dumb ass

  13. A nigga is somebody ignorant, so it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white – you can still be a nigga ;)

  14. vollsticks says:

    You obviously don’t know of enough rappers, then….

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