GUITAR STYLES: The World of Jazz Guitar – PART 1 Search Andrew for FREE lesson Handouts. This Video: October 25, 2011 | Search Videos by Title/Date. GO TO: Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question… Q: I wanted to ask you a styles question, (since I mostly just play rock), the question is about Jazz style. This has much to do with my uncle because he keeps saying I should learn to play jazz. Since I am a long-time subscriber to you, & Your explanations are always so clear. I thought that you'd be the best person to describe to me what the heck jazz actually is. Jack — Toronto, Canada A: I think the reason why your uncle is likely going on at you about studying jazz music is because any study, or even discussion of Jazz will relate quite immediately to the musical process known of as improvisation. Musical improvisation also sometimes called spontaneous composition has not only long been a core element of musical performance, but it's also a core element of Jazz music. Learning jazz, will help you improvise and ultimately play better. Not many people are aware of the fact that musical masters such as; Mozart, Handel, Bach, and Beethoven just to name a few, had extraordinary improvisation ability. They could spontaneously create wild musical passages using; scales, arpeggios and difficult technical challenges not unlike the dazzling display's of modern guitar virtuoso's of today! The complete lesson article for this video will be <b>…</b>

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5 Responses to “GUITAR STYLES: The World of Jazz Guitar – PART 1”

  1. DatoZacky says:

    omg, i have eargasm whenever he plays :D

  2. A very interesting video…thanks very much

  3. Linkman145 says:

    thanks for the history lesson, it’s way cool.

  4. R Hintz says:

    I believe it is an (A Maj7) – (F# min7) – (B min7) and (E7). He stated it was in the key of A and if you know your scales you will know that A, B, C#, D, E, F# and G# are the notes of A Maj. The Maj diatonic chord structure is Maj, min, min, Maj, Dom, min, dim.

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