Nirvana – Serve The Servants

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15 Responses to “Nirvana – Serve The Servants”

  1. The fact that he have a 17-year-old is completely irrelevant. I mentioned that I have a sony tv so he could se how pointless it is to mention something that is completely irrelevant in this situation.

  2. What happened to the cough at the beginning?

  3. Stingler23 says:


  4. I think he meant that he is 17 years old^^

  5. Yeah. Probably not the best speaker of English but more importantly.

    WHAT IS UP with all of these fucking kids going on videos and talking about how “they’re only _________” and listen to ______________. It’s like you want a cookie because you have the freaking internet and like a band that appeal to people that are EXACTLY in your age range?

  6. Hello everybody, my name is Daniel Rimbaud. I’m from DESIDERATO BAND and I would encourage everyone to get to know our work. Our music is made with passion, ethics, conscience, honesty and a desire not only to see but to contribute to our world to be a fairer place. Just log on to our channel and watch the 12 songs from our first album, which has just been released. Whoever likes simply register. His audience encourages us to want to continue to do more! Thanks!

  7. L Renwick says:

    You dont see things from being stoned you absolute dick face

  8. Random Guy. says:

    He wrote a lengthy suicide note going into detail why he felt the way he did, don’t talk about things you don’t know about.

  9. Joan Gene says:

    That’s copied from Blondie – call me

  10. jimmy316able says:

    Courtney Love = Yoko Ono

  11. Shelbz955 says:

    This isn’t serve the servants………

  12. Boberther says:

    Have you read anything about Kurt? Since he was a teenager he was saying how he was gunna be in a famous band and kill himself. Sure he was a drug addict but he chose to end his life because he wanted to.

  13. Tosha Harris says:

    you guys are disrespectful insecure fucks , you dont know a damn thing about this man or what he wwent through , research things before you just make snide remarks about someones life that you haven’t a clue about. read Heavier than Heaven , his biography . and read about what this poor man went through as a child . he suffered years of pyscological damage from neglect issues from his parents . at the age of 14 he quoted he was going to become a famous rockstar kill himself and die with glory

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