I.aM.mE present”Whatever Happens” by DI”MOON”Zhang ft chachi

I.aM.mE present"Whatever Happens" by DI"MOON"Zhang ft chachi

I DONOT OWN THIS MUISC ,post on your facebook or twitter if you liked it thanks :) SUBSCRIBE http://www.youtube.com/DImoonzhang http://www.youtube.com/chachi…

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9 Responses to “I.aM.mE present”Whatever Happens” by DI”MOON”Zhang ft chachi”

  1. TheDStar95 says:

    this choreo is too much !! what are the shoes moon is wearing ?

  2. How are those Pants called? Im looking for a pair of those since ever…

  3. Ej Cuevas says:

    The pants are called chachimommas. And moons shoe is supra I think.

  4. MrPRODIGY27 says:

    umm trolling or no?

  5. makeupgaga98 says:

    What’s the song!

  6. Whatever Happens :3

  7. chevere el video 593 la kruw

  8. mindyxxxxxx says:

    Where could you get bandanas like them?

  9. never go full retard !

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