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19 Responses to “Because…”

  1. Bagel Han says:

    I got goosebumps and then I got a cramp from laughing too hard so suddenly at 1:56. And now I have a headache for laughing non-stop for the remainder of the video.
    You are gold. Also, thanks for this.

  2. We’re not making love no more by dru hill

  3. astoldbysher says:

    aaaaaaahhhhhhhh im cryyyinggggg!!

  4. jmehannibal says:

    You are a damn fool! I am so glad I found you on WSHH. Bringing laughter to those who needed it!

  5. Lmfao… You are a-fuckin-mazing!!!! Lmao

  6. Kendawg841 says:

    lol you are off the hook

  7. Roni Davis says:

    Girl, you made me remember why I love this song! Thank You!

  8. kimmy watts says:

    This is me everytime I hear this song lmao

  9. Lulu Belle says:

    4:18. The face. DYYYYING

  10. luvjonsey says:

    Something is wrong with you…lol

  11. she rocks I am watchin all of her videos, I just saw her on the Talk today,….you go on girl friend……I would like to see you with the razor in your teeth lolol ha ha ha

  12. chellequan says:

    Love the shoulders….too funny.

  13. dawn5255 says:

    In this day and age we all have to blow off steam! You have found yours!

  14. What a hot funny, fuckin mess you are! LMFAO.

  15. eNViya LoPez says:

    I fucking love you!! You are my friend in my head lol

  16. Listen….I have this song on my iPod and every time….every damn time I am hitting them shoulder pops hella hard…

  17. washadurn says:

    3:15 when you pop up then the rolling on the floor lmao I am too done but I can’t stop watching these vids

  18. maguirreluv says:

    I fucking love u!!!!!!!!!!

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