Jay-Z’s ‘Open Letter’ Impeachment Rap is Bad News for Obama

Jay-Z's 'Open Letter' Impeachment Rap is Bad News for Obama

Jay-Z's new song "Open Letter" may have him in hot water with President Barack Obama. That's what happens when you rap: "Obama said chill you going to get me…

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9 Responses to “Jay-Z’s ‘Open Letter’ Impeachment Rap is Bad News for Obama”

  1. Andy110882 says:

    I am fine with him telling his life story, but he just seems too proud of it. He thinks it gives him street cred. He is negatively impacting his fans who look up to him. Thinking that selling crack on the streets is the path to being sucessful and rich like J-zee. The black community is on a downward slide, and he is sitting back and collecting the profit. He is still a villian; taking advantage to make a buck.

  2. GregGeezSWP says:


  3. OMEGASOS12 says:

    Like I said, the artist is telling a story from his point of view. Jay-Z is not trying to negatively impact his fans life’s, hes telling his experience so people in his community might have some hope, because he made it, so can they. As a white man,I don’t think the black community is on a downward side, I think the whole society is.It also has nothing to do with rap music,but the people that control the world in which we live.Jay Z is no different from a stock trader,who bets on economic chaos.

  4. …maybe rap fans?

  5. Ali M.B says:

    its just a song.

  6. At least someone has some sense

  7. Harvey funny as hell

  8. man, todays rap is garbage. rasping about guns drugs money and cars misleading youth

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