We Invented SWAG! – Chunk Dirty: Ep 4

beat produced by RobGreenRecords@gmail.com http://twitter.com/RobGreenRecords all completely improvised.. Young Chunk and Lil Do Dirty discuss how they inven…

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12 Responses to “We Invented SWAG! – Chunk Dirty: Ep 4”

  1. yall niggas hatin on this vid should calm down theyre joking around theyre just h

  2. How is it that most of the commenters below me fail to see that this is a parody? It couldn`t be more obvious D:
    People are so dumb these days I swear… That said, fuck swag :>

  3. MewFoxify says:

    I’m full of swags!!

  4. TxKidd10 says:

    Stolen Camera Swag.!! XD

  5. DJBADgaming says:

    Sex With A Guy or Girl = SWAG

  6. This is gay these guys are a couple of swaggots that’s what they are so fuck you

  7. This is a fucking parody there no serious some of these commenters are stupid

  8. I just hope the kids of tomorrow know that wearing the sale tag is worse than swag.

  9. Daniel Solis says:

    The children in the future should be disappointed in there moms and dads XD
    And this is why adults won’t trust teens

  10. chucktone11 says:

    wereu talking to flocka or what!? ahha

  11. It is also a word that means to represent yourself/ the way you represent yourself, baggy clothes, shitty hats, small penis and basically a way to say your afraid to come out of the closet. Best definition ever for SWAG

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