BioShock Infinite Exclusive Beast of America Trailer [HD]

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12 Responses to “BioShock Infinite Exclusive Beast of America Trailer [HD]”

  1. starkyyyyy says:

    Your picture…i laughed so hard

  2. SPOILER ALERT: In the end it turns out the girl is tricking you and you find out she’s really the antichrist.

  3. Bassyest says:

    That’s the biggest lie I’ve seen so far! But I love your enthusiasm! :P

  4. Bassyest says:

    Don’t look at me like that!!! O_o

  5. Joey Summers says:

    its Dewitt…….

  6. are there multiple endings???

  7. No @spacemonkey1900 there is just one ending. Don’t be mad about that though. It has the greatest ending of all time. You just have to play 10 hrs and 30 mins to see it

  8. @spacemonkey, Nope

  9. mistaflake says:

    Every Bioshock Infinite fan should watch this: /watch?v=Jp_vKoxJgyk

  10. What if life is exactly like Bioshock Infinite? Space has an infinite amount of galaxies with planets. I doubt we are the only life around. But instead of being other species, what if it is us? Somewhere in space another me is a criminal, a cop, chinese, japanese, irish, italian, german, columbian. What if those stars we see at night are doorways?

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  12. you’ll end up with a bleeding nose

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