Gretsch Drums – Jazz vs Metal – avec Nicolas Viccaro et Yann Coste

Nicolas Viccaro et Yann Coste vous présentent les Batteries Gretsch Drums New Classic et Renown Maple dans deux styles très différents! Nicolas utilise : – N…

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13 Responses to “Gretsch Drums – Jazz vs Metal – avec Nicolas Viccaro et Yann Coste”

  1. I hate how drums sound on a metal tune.

  2. Когда я, Василий Иванович, посмотрел это видео, хотел спеть песню, Черный Ворон, Черный ворон, что ж ты вьешься надо мной?

  3. domdom87 says:

    kudos to the metal guy for being a good sport.

  4. Roman Garcia says:

    Jazz drumming is so much hard than perceived to be! It’s much harder to be quiet on a naturally loud instrument and have such a strict technique.

  5. There’s no need to compare jazz and metal. They’re bot good.

  6. metal vs metal -.-”"”"”

  7. danny lee says:

    awesome ~~~ love this 

  8. In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for “appeal to the people”) is a fallacious argument that concludes a proposition to be true because many or most people believe it. In other words, the basic idea of the argument is: “If many believe so, it is so.” -From Wikipedia article Argumentum ad populum

  9. jefro2255 says:

    Some people are taking this video FAR too serious
    1) im a jazz bass player that loves metal so i know what im talking about
    2) i know guys that can put down some insane jazz solos AND metal solos that put this entire video to shame
    3) these are not biased, both were equally ok
    4) if you didnt chuckly or crack a smile at the end… You’re obviously taking this too seriously

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