Giants, Zombies, & The Islamic State: Best of 2014 on VICE

Giants, Zombies, & The Islamic State: Best of 2014 on VICE

This year has been a huge year for VICE. We started the year by going to Iceland to investigate how the small black rock in the middle of the ocean has produced a lineage of strongmen dating…

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5 Responses to “Giants, Zombies, & The Islamic State: Best of 2014 on VICE”

  1. Why doesn’t vice make a segment on war veterans that loved being in Iraq?
    always showing the bad side of it. but what about those Marines that just
    flat out loved being out there and killing muslims? I’m one of those
    Veterans that doesn’t have post dramatic stress, but I was always more than
    willing to kill when told too. drinking whiskey & hanging out with my
    platoon & straight fucking murdering people was seriously one of the most
    funnest times of my life.

    I’m a true soldier of the apocalypse.

  2. roberij05 says:

    I want more Last Chance High 

  3. SymbolX says:

    No mention of the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

  4. DarkLT4Ewa says:

    Random question: When I subscribed to Vice about 1.5-2 years ago they
    uploaded mostly varied and interesting stuff. Lately I don’t find anything
    too interesting on the main channel, did they started spreaading out
    various documentaries on different channel or what? I still really enjoy
    Vice on HBO episodes though, but this main channel is pretty dead in the
    last half year or more.

  5. WAEL angel says:

    stop calling isis muslims , they are not muslims.

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