Crysis 3 Rap – “The Prophet” by JT Machinima

Crysis 3 Rap – "The Prophet" by JT Machinima

Watch Mass Effect Rap "We Are One" by JT Machinima: Crysis 3 Rap Check out our Music on iTunes!…

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19 Responses to “Crysis 3 Rap – “The Prophet” by JT Machinima”

  1. Jojo Haqqani says:

    Rap Is C(rap)…..

  2. Hey!
    I know you hear this a lot but please hear me out!
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    I am just trying to help my friend out by spreading the word!
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    His funniest video is “A Chat with Justin Bieber”. It’s a parody, You’ll love it!
    It would be so cool if you could check him out and maybe subscribe and share!
    Thanks for helping me support my friend!

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  4. RabidCaviar says:


  5. iamoneguyz says:

    I have to listen to this once a day =D

  6. RabidCaviar says:

    and if u r racially disturbed by the fact that i said whites cant rap then express ur annoying opinions to yourself coz i dont give a shit

  7. NFI Rookie says:

    Im not saying that im the main character in crysis… but have you ever seen us together in the same room ?

  8. Daven671 says:

    Bro it takes time and effort to make these. When Dan (although he is a good rapper) doesn’t even play almost all the games he raps about. The reason why Dans own was in the trailer was because he was seen by someone. Jt on the other hand is a person not found. So you shut your mouth, that this isn’t good. This guy tries his best, to make you guys entertained. If you don’t like this, then listen to something else, hater. I would LOVE to see you try something better.

  9. dj harrison says:

    hey did you give a perm for any 1 who could copy?

  10. jihadthat777 says:

    hmmmm seen by someone? you mean like how dans channel isnt partnered with machinima but his vids have 38+ million views and over 191k subscribers, but jt’s shitty vids are featured on a channel with 6.6 million subscribers with 4 billion video views? please do explain to me how dan has it easier to have his raps featured for the dlc of a great game.oh wait he doesnt have it easier he just simply knows how to focus his raps on the games he raps aboot instead of being self centered get over urself

  11. jihadthat777 says:

    btw learn what words mean before you use them you fatheaded asshat if i were a hater i would be talking shit aboot dan because even though jt’s vids are featured on machinima and dans arent dan is still MUCH more popular in terms of views on the channel itself seriously get your head out of your ass stop huffing paint and think before you speak.

  12. Major Stiffy says:

    dont cyber bully me?

  13. MrSain123098 says:

    Where do you see self involvement, or gloating? I’m genuinely curious. He’s rapping from Prophet’s point of view. Mass effect? Shephard’s POV. Dead Space? Isaac’s POV. And there’s a small bit that’s usually relatable to the real world. “hang on to hope, stay close to friends”, for example.

  14. nathanttr90 says:

    Epiccccccccccccccccccccc so epic

  15. L0g4n8or says:

    We don’t care what you do at home, dude. Don’t talk about it online.

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