The Unwritten Rules Of The Road Trip

What are your road trip rules? To find out exactly what drives so many people to join #MINITAKESTHESTATES follow us as we cross the country on…

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9 Responses to “The Unwritten Rules Of The Road Trip”

  1. Most people would just text the whole time

  2. BFab64 says:

    Pretty much any time I’m driving, I have two rules:
    1.) Let me focus on driving.
    2.) No rap “music” in my car. I will kick you out.

  3. Egg says:

    BuzzFeed vs WatchMojo

    who will win? :D 

  4. 1. Get in the car.
    2. Plan where will you go.
    3. Realize its just a waste of time and it will be horrible
    4. Decide never to think about roadtrips.
    5. Did you realize i skipped the number 2?
    6. You may have went back to check the number 2.

  5. if i’m getting a bj from the co-driver, i have no rules nor complaints. 

  6. Don’t forget the lesbian sex!

  7. what is the song at 1:11

  8. My road trip rules:

    1. When in the car, sit down and shut up at all times
    2. No dancing or recreational activity of any kind
    3. No food or drink unless you are willing to single-handedly clean out the
    car with your teeth.
    4. I tell you when you need/ do not need the toilet and your bladder obeys.

    It’s a barrel of laughs :D 

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