Sarah Vaughan – So Many Stars

Album: Brazilian Romance '89 composer: Sergio Mendes.

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17 Responses to “Sarah Vaughan – So Many Stars”

  1. wandatheresa says:

    The MOST beautiful song, in my estimation, that Ms Vaughn ever sang.
    Gorgeous music. If you love Sarah, you MUST get this album, “Brazilian
    Romance” for your collection; if you don’t have any of her music, get this
    one- it’s a beautiful classic.

  2. This is one of my all time favorite cds. It really a must have for Sarah’s
    fans, if you don’t have it yet.

  3. Este Cd permanece entre a minha coleção de 10 mais

  4. monk man says:

    Like, LIKE, L O V E !!!!!

  5. her voice is like warm brandy on a cold night

  6. Sam Bear says:

    What a beautiful song! Sarah Vaughan was simply the best–her likes will
    not come this way again.

  7. savedfaves says:

    She’s gone back to God.

  8. ove ancher says:

    Min favoritsangerinde inden for Jazzen..!! Suveren..!

  9. Divine indeed is she !!!

  10. Gigi Reyes says:

    This is the one, the version I grew up & fell in love …with so many
    stars…w/c one is mine.

  11. Naci Baybura says:

    The Great Sarah Vaughan

  12. square1971 says:

    It rarely comes together this perfectly, material, a “seasoned” voice,
    arrangement, execution. I have literally heard this song hundreds of times
    since ’89 and it still gets to me. I love how she changes the way she sings
    “alone” at different point, gotta say it slices right through me. Like they
    say, if this song doesn’t bring out some emotion in you, check your pulse.

  13. Es increible esta melodia y la voz de esta DIOSA es perfecta , tempo
    swing, que agradable a mis oidos ,gracias

  14. BG Jazzy says:

    Beautiful tune and what a voice……gorgeous

  15. arnborj6 says:

    I always love how Sarah brilliantly execute her voice with just precise
    timing and the way she phrase her voice uniquely that only she can
    perfectly deliver. :-) 

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