If We Cared About The Environment Like We Care About Sports

All I've ever wanted is a son who joins Earth Club!” Share on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1s1VKit Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/18yCF0b Shar…

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14 Responses to “If We Cared About The Environment Like We Care About Sports”

  1. JadonD69 says:

    It was global cooling, then global warming, then climate change. It’s all a
    joke. None of its real. 

  2. I hate football/sport they get paid waaay too much,the environment is
    obviously more important..

  3. 2014 is on track to be the hottest year ever? Just yesterday it was cold
    enough to “snow” lightly in Lafayette, IN. during the Feast of the Hunter’s
    Moon. It was tiny, but it was still extremely cold. I hope it was sarcasm,
    because remember 2012? 

  4. Robert Gomez says:

    Except that the rest of the world doesn’t give a shit about that Rugby
    wannabe. Everyone else cares about the real football.

  5. Imagine if trees gave off wifi signal, everyone would be planting them, to
    bad they only give oxigen that we breathe.

  6. I dont even care about football or sports I care more about the environment
    and the world god gave us.

  7. Cam Jones says:

    Global warming is a fraud.Earth has been warming and cooling for many years
    now..We are just now getting the tools we need to be able to keep up with
    it.The same scientist that are saying that there is global warming are also
    saying that were in an ice age right now.Global warming was just made up so
    the rich can get richer.

  8. Giannis Sm. says:

    if we cared for the environment as much as we care about what you call
    football, the world wouldn’t give a shit and only americans would care
    about it

  9. mmuu9966 says:

    Stupid dumb americans.. brainwashed and distracted into watching stupid
    sports, with men running around with a fucking egg, all padded up and
    shit.. and then calling it FOOTBALL.. like, wtf?

  10. I wish this was true. You don’t need sports to survive. People take sports
    like its some sort of other reality. Pay attention people, drinking water
    percentage is at 1 percent. Global warming could be happening? Trees are
    being cut down in the rain forest when they supply a heap of medicines and
    unique wildlife.

  11. Joe Blow says:

    I’m going to laugh my arse off once the climate change deniers run out of
    places to drill so they can fill up their petrol guzzling monstrosities.
    Once that happens, they’ll no longer be able to commute to work alone in
    the carpool lane or drive their fat, unappreciative wailing hellspawn to
    McDonald’s every day.

    Or how about the untimely death of their elderly parents who are unable to
    cope with a sudden spike in temperature during the summer months?

    That is the day where I will tell them: *”You were warned this might
    happen, you fat yuppie bastard. Yet you ignored us like the immovable
    mountain of stupid you are. How does it feel to eat humble pie? Is the
    aftertaste as bitter as I imagine it to be?*”

  12. I think this video is saying environmentalism is as annoying and shallow as
    spectator sports culture? Yes, yes it is.

  13. Dani Capps says:

    If fuckers recycled, and we replaced the concrete roads with solar panels
    we wouldn’t have a problem with the environment. We need to make taxes
    depend on how much you make, should be 7% of the money you make so the rich
    give enough back for healthcare and trying to make the world better.

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