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18 Responses to “NAME RAP OR DIE”

  1. If I get 14670 subscribers I will upload a video of me running around in
    public with a Nerf gun screaming at people: “Gimme all your FUCKING money
    or I blow your FUCKING brains out!” Like so others can see!

  2. I have to say that SMOSH does have their hits & misses… but this is
    definitely a hit.. good video guys – It was funny and pretty interesting!

  3. Smosh says:

    Thanks for being awesome, everyone! 

  4. 1. Why do you need 250k to make an iPhone game? It only costs around 30k
    2. You make around 1.5m a year from merch. and monetising videos, and now
    you asking for more?
    3. On the donation video, it says in the bottom of the description you will
    donate “some” to money charity, WHY DIDNT YOU SAY THAT IN THE VIDEO?!

  5. Wow they really did a good job pronouncing/memorizing all those names! The
    pronunciation perfection must have taken them extra long! Kinda wish I had
    thought to give a fake name and actually do this, I didn’t want my name on
    Youtube lol…. also, nice farmer’s tans, guys ;P

  6. banan er says:

    U gays sux so muc u were muc betr be fore. Plx stop mking vidz and do teh
    world a fevor.

  7. NinjaPotato says:

    Is the game going to be free if not how much is it going to be and will it
    be free for a certain amount of time?

  8. RakoonDude4 says:

    Really people payed a millions just for this I know it’s a prototype but
    still yu had enough money to even pay it yourselves seriously srry I’m just
    saying I’m a huge fan of yu guys and bin around since 2008 but still

  9. Ian Wong says:

    Playing with the controller upside down? 0:07

  10. Callum Yu says:


  11. Kare2muchJR says:

    Dumbasses thinking these guy’s get $50,000,000 a year. It doesn’t work that

  12. PandaLord13 says:

    To those complaining at least Smosh actually used the money you donated to
    make the fucking game, unlike Yogscast, they asked for money for a “game”
    and never did any thing with it! So at least Smosh did something.

  13. Jason Waight says:

    what the hell i donated $150 for food battle game AND THE RAP PERK and i
    didnt see my name WTF?

  14. Molliex says:

    Did Graser10 actually help make the game?

  15. Esther Shih says:

    Wait wait wait wait…. Graser10?

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