Ignite Your Childlike State of Wonder

"We enjoy and even thrill to the godlike possibilities we see in ourselves in peak moments. And yet we simultaneously shiver with weakness, awe and fear befo…

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14 Responses to “Ignite Your Childlike State of Wonder”

  1. The +Shots of Awe series by +Jason Silva is just amazing. I can’t
    recommend it enough. Two minute (ish) videos where you’ll feel you’re mind
    open up, and absorb all the universe’s secrets.

  2. Kids tend to ask “why”. Adults explain it away or say that’s just how it
    is. As we get older, the world precedents begin to box our minds in. But we
    can explode our barriers and expand further simply by seeking paths of
    transcendence. Life is very much like a journey, an exploration into new
    horizons. One day, we may even alter the very architectures of existence
    itself, forging new worlds and reaching divine levels of being!

  3. Ben Curwood says:

    it helps to make sure you still have questions, make sure you have things
    that you will never understand, find a topic you don’t know about and keep
    it that way, don’t be ignorant if it is necessary learn it but something
    small and overall meaningless, so that your mind can use its imagination to

  4. Lee Saunders says:

    We are all born artists. We are all born ecstasy seekers. Look at the world
    with a child’s view and see what might be. Rediscover your inner explorer.
    Don’t leap to the answers, relish the moment and your senses. Enjoy the
    wonders of life that surround us, the beauty we take for granted each day. 

  5. I want to make a channel like this, I think this way a lot but have no way
    of expressing this information fascinating thank you, watching your video
    is like watching a music video I just keep coming back, I feel like I just
    grabbed a piece of heaven when I watch your videos thanks!

  6. Paul Spoerry says:

    *Ignite your childlike state of wonder*
    When I meditate I try to keep this idea in mind.

    “We enjoy and even thrill to the godlike possibilities we see in ourselves
    in peak moments. And yet we simultaneously shiver with weakness, awe and
    fear before these very same possibilities.”
    - Abraham Maslow

  7. i want to like these videos more than i actually do. the poetry night
    semi-slam style is… annoying and sorta lame (sorry, not trying to be
    mean, just honest about how i feel as the 3rd of these videos i’ve watched
    comes to an end). i think i’d hear it if there was room to breath between
    the parts that are meant to effect the mind instead of a steam train from
    start to finish. it all sorta rolls by. also… stating to goal is nice,
    i’ve heard this all before, but what we are all looking for is a HOW. what
    does that REALLY look like in everyday life.

  8. @jade Martel you are so right. My son introduced me to Vsauce a few weeks
    ago and I’m addicted, the two groups going videos together would rock!

  9. A good question is what level or magnitude of state of wonder is enough?
    Maybe happiness and contentment with our lives? Interesting question I pose
    here, don’t you think?

  10. i might need to have a dictionary with me :/ bt its gr8

  11. namaste.that all i can say 

  12. Stephen Fry says:

    What is this music? LOVE IT!!!

  13. There’s no better feeling than to be inspired….

    Ignite Your Childlike State of Wonder

  14. Snow Camps says:

    i think it would be nice hear some topic video about “Controversy” LOVE UR

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