Play That Funky Music – Wild Cherry (1976)

"Play That Funky Music" was a funk rock disco song recorded by the rock band Wild Cherry and written by lead vocalist and guitarist Robert Parissi. The song …

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18 Responses to “Play That Funky Music – Wild Cherry (1976)”

  1. PeedroPaula says:

    You’re delusional, hateful, and ignorant, and your opinion means zilch to anyone with half a brain.

  2. btw, anyone with half a brain couldn’t understand what im saying anyway, just like you.

  3. No im not, im far from it. You couldn’t understand satire and the mock of politically correctness in a song if it slapped you in the face.A song which btw at the time of its release, would have been banned from air otherwise, the group played the system as good as they played the bloody song. You wouldn’t know fission from fusion, go believe in a walking dead guy in the sky and a 6,000yr old Earth. Hopefully now you understand what i was actually saying, You fkn hero ffs. :)

  4. yonnieray says:

    For the longest I thought this was sung by a different band. Thanks for posting this.

  5. …or CAPS LOCK???

  6. cynitalx says:

    SONG TO ADDICTING :-) !!!!!

  7. jaleesamg says:

    You mean someone who doesn’t speak English properly, not people who aren’t from the US…

  8. jaleesamg says:

    Cowbell. Oh yeah.

  9. knightflyte says:

    What’s the difference between what you assume are racist lyrics and your disgustingly disrespectful diatribe to Linda? She didn’t attack you, insult your intelligence, refer to you as a vulgarity, like the piece of dirt you did her.

    You have issues – not the least is your own perverted idea of what racism is.

  10. Go and play your fiddle you prat. Go play your fu**** Music white boy.
    What’s racist about understanding how white music is different to black music? I suppose Bob Marley sounds like your average white band in the garage next door and Major Tom is a depiction of a black cotton picking slave? You wouldn’t know a black Betty if it fucked you up the ass. HOMONYMS like -’Funky’ sounds like fuckin, ‘wild’ sounds like white, Linda can suck my cock, you can watch you moron. :)

  11. I cant believe its not butter.

  12. knightflyte says:

    Naaaaaah. I’m done with you. I plan on funkin’ out with folks who don’t see racism behind every word…. We’ll all leave you to your own delusions of idiocy. Buh bye, BOY.

  13. /watch?v=L0bcRCCg01I You my friend cant understand basic English…you may have your wires crossed. I’m as delusional as Special and General Relativity. Enjoy!

  14. btw, if you think i am racist, you’re not thinking straight at all. I’m as racist as Richard Dawkin’s is dismissive towards evolution.

  15. Awwww yEAHHHHH! Great memories as a kid! Jam guys! Love it

  16. Calvert Vaux says:

    Richard Dawkins? Is that the guy who used to host Family Feud?

  17. BIG Favorite at Studio 54, in NYC. Played often also by Vaughn Harper SuperFunkDJ of WBLS NYC.

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