Learn how to play blues lead guitar create licks practice

http://www.nextlevelguitar.com/offers/blues_rock_offer/ Click the above link to check out our 4 DVD set "Beginner Blues Rock Soloing" – it has over 8 hours o…

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18 Responses to “Learn how to play blues lead guitar create licks practice”

  1. TheGreyshack says:

    How do you know that when you bend that B string on 8th fret it will be and A sound?

  2. Jimmy Braat says:

    Does anyone know what amp that is.

  3. ATreeForFive says:

    Is this a Heritage H 535 ?

  4. if you start with the open b string and you move up one fret at a time( 1st=c)(2nd=c#)(3rd=d)(4th=d#)(5th=e)(6th=f)(7th=f#)(8th=g)
    Ok so now we are doing a bend, (a full bend will raise the pitch a full step, or two frets) so we go up two more notes (9th=g#)(10th=a). you can always use this to know the notes you’re playing, just remember there isn’t a b#, or an e #, rather they are replaced by c, and f respectfully. Hope this helps.

  5. pjdeb16 says:

    Thats nice showing people how to play ive been playing for years by ear in left handed thats tight teaching people you get paid for doing this cause id like to do this to but your good i love that geting your face off your si much like me dnt care what people think dnt like it dnt watch right peace out pjg

  6. Todd Davis says:

    Bro- You are a heck of a player !!! Thanks for sharing your talent with the world !!! I am having to relearn to play again due to an accident 14 years ago. It made me an Amputee / Quadriplegic and unable to use my arms very well. After many years I am now able to play again, and I totally love the blues !!! Thank you Marty for ALL you’ve done on here. I am trying my best to get the money to buy your lessons, but now I am on Social Security so it may be a while. Thanks Again Brother – Todd Davis

  7. tenodogblu says:

    you are the best marty!!

  8. Saw your post before the video, now I cant watch it normally

  9. CWZvideo says:

    Howdy! I’ve recently built a TV/Guitar I call the “Guitelevision” and would love some guitarist’s feedback. My demo video is called “Guitelevision” – /watch?v=2BwKTsJ0Td0 (First up if you search it) Many thanks!

  10. Intervals!! Marty’s the man.

  11. Nikhil Tikoo says:

    Hey Todd.. Ill pray for u bro… I can imagine the pain you went through when you picked up the guitar one day and you suddenly realised you cant play.. I am at the point you once were.. I was the lead guitarist for a popular band thats now making a name for itself in South Asia. I met with a bike crash on 12th Sep, 09 and cant really play due to temporary paralysis in my left side due to brain injuries. I have reached about 20% of my original skills. I’ll pray for u !

  12. OAKDOG76 says:

    Hey I Love all your videos and learn a boat load from you. You should show how to play licks like you played at the start skipping notes and such. Thanks for what you do I wish I could afford to I’d buy all your stuff I get it when you show me.

  13. Thank you Marty for being humble, polite, funny and disarming. Your ‘people skills’ are really quite good.

  14. Thanks Marty! Most instructors are either to fast or slow. You have the right TEMPO.. keep up the great work! Very appreciated

  15. Marty, you’re fucking awesome. This opened up so much of my blues playing, I can literally not feel anything but my burning fingertips right now! :)

  16. Anna Kraft says:

    Marty you amazing bastard. XD

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