Immortal Technique on Obama, 9/11 truth & Corporate America

Immortal Technique on Obama, 9/11 truth & Corporate America

The U.S. government uses foreign wars to distract people's attention from internal problems. That's according to rapper and political activist 'Immortal Tech…

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15 Responses to “Immortal Technique on Obama, 9/11 truth & Corporate America”

  1. Omnimity says:

    Our government invades whoever the bankers and elite class want to invade. There is no checks and balances, there is no say from the people. Its a out of control military industrial complex run by globalists tycoons and the brain dead sheep think nothings wrong.

  2. Omnimity says:

    You have no clue. Communism and fascism are two crocks of shit. They both lead to socialism which is horrible and only benefits the rich.

  3. Omnimity says:

    America kills liberating great leaders like Gadaffi and supports dictators all over the world.

  4. Omnimity says:

    He has a high IQ, most Americans do not.

  5. Omnimity says:

    Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, proof that shit is rigged! He has so much blood and suffering on his hands its not even funny.

  6. that’s what my comment said, I don’t advocate communism in the US. The liberals are socialists and neo conservatives are fascists

  7. deon2828 says:

    most rappers are intelligent… what we see from most rappers on youtube, t.v.. etc.. is just an act for money and record sells. oh, and to uphold an image they created.

  8. Wylvien says:

    Immortal Technique is just another bigoted anti-white leftist, exploiting the anti-white climate to promote racism towards white and earns some money whilst he is at it…Just like all leftist he works as hard as he can to make everything about race, non-whites VS whites.

    A rather modest quote from one song. “My enemy is the white man I don’t see”

    Imagine instead. “My enemy is the jew I don’t see”

    Clearly he would be called a neo-nazi. But racism towards white is the trendy thing today.

  9. StarOwna says:

    -_- go fuck yourself english enough for you

  10. STICH MON says:

    now ive heard everything
    how many times can you use the word motherfucker in your lyrics and make money from it to buy 30 inch rims for your 1984 honda accord?

  11. how many times have listened to Freebird today?

  12. Swiftagon says:

    A very intelligent and well spoken man. It’s a shame that he isn’t more popular, although I’m sure that’s not by chance. Imagine what we could accomplish if the youths of this country subscribed to his way of thinking rather than meaningless chants of SWAG and the likewise…

  13. Yoyo0639 says:

    I don’t know if you realize that during the beginning of industrial revolution there where absolutely free markets. However, this lead to massive amounts of poverty, horrible child labour and hunger among the working class. History tells us that a completely unregulated market only makes the rich richer.

  14. I mean, if it’s now known that Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as a reason to invade, I don’t see why they wouldn’t lie about 9/11. Like Immortal said, I don’t lend myself to conspiracies but something doesn’t add up.

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