Sophia Lucia – Total Eclipse

Age 9 Lyrical Solo Choreographed by Kristen Hibbs San Diego Dance Centre Pulse Las Vegas 2011.

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8 Responses to “Sophia Lucia – Total Eclipse”

  1. melishithan1 says:

    that’s true… however that’s like saying if she were more flexible she would be more flexible!.. practice makes perfect, so of course any one that trains as much as Sophia, loves to dance, and gives all her effort to it, can be as good as her.

  2. She is an amazing dancer, but she has to dance to some of the worst songs

  3. That is an appropriate costume for a child who’s a dancer. Judges need to see the movement of the body which is why dance costumes typically don’t cover the stomach, legs, shoulders/back.

  4. As the mother of a cometitive dancer, I assure you that it is not neccessary to show that much skin to win awardsand to place overall, to even place first overall. It is neccessary to show that much skin if you plan on your child dancing with a pole when she is older.

  5. There is literally nothing wrong with this costume, it covers more skin than a bathing suit does. She can wear whatever she wants to. Until they do a study that proves dancers who show their stomach are more likely to become strippers, stop leaving rude comments on Sophia’s solos.

  6. 23superpink says:

    wow people are already commenting about her costume….

  7. That is a very ignorant thing to say. As a former dancer, I assure you that I have never danced on a pole because of costumes I wore when I was 9. If you’re a dance mom then you should be used to seeing these types of costumes at competitions. All I’m saying is the dance teacher would not have let her compete in this costume if they felt it was inappropriate or would cause a point deduction from her score.

  8. Alex Gianni says:

    this is the dance that the picture in the bottom right corner is from!!

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