On Religion (Redux)

Are you ready for a Nerdy Valentines Day? http://bit.ly/WekHqK In which John finished up what turned out to be Religion Theme Week here in nerdfighteria by d…

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15 Responses to “On Religion (Redux)”

  1. Completely agree however that does not take away from the evidential question to which there is equally none for all religions. That, as well as the holy doctrines contradictory nature in which you can justify anything. I take the Sam Harris view of religion for the most part. Taking things for which there is no evidence is volatile and dangerous if because many loose evaluative skills and become jihadists and crusaders and the like.

  2. 1901180108 says:

    John, when you have a doctor’s note, you’re supposed to hold it still so that people can tell it’s an actual doctor’s note.

  3. Asha2820 says:

    The best definition I have for working out whether people are ‘Christian’ is the Nicene creed. Christianity is a statement of belief… in a creator god, in the resurrection of a Jewish carpenter in Palestine, in the holy ghost.
    No serious definition of Christianity includes ‘not being a bully’, so to deny even the possibility of Christian bullies is intellectually dishonest and a blatant use of the ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy.

  4. Regular sized squid of rational debate.

  5. That is the magic of Nerdfighteria.

  6. Chloe Chan says:

    So… they’re a Christian? Because he said, “…my fellow Christians.”

  7. John is. Hank is not.

  8. Fawnleaf101 says:

    whoa! John finally said he was Christian… not that i really care…

  9. Ah! Deleted comment, we meet again. And now we will never know what they quite agreed on.

  10. Jrhovet says:

    All atheists follow 1 pillar/tenant so we are all in agreement

  11. Who else noticed he said fellow Christians? Okay, now I just want to meet you guys even more!!!

  12. Jeff Dietz says:

    I backed it up to that point twice just to make sure I heard him right..

  13. John is, but not Hank.

  14. No, most atheists lack belief in a god, whereas some others believe that no god exists. At the same time, many atheists are rationalists while many others are not. Raelians are atheists too (mostly), you agree with them? The fact is, no, atheists are not all in agreement, because frankly there’s nothing to be in agreement on. Yes, all atheists do lack belief in a god, but other than that tend to be rather different. And that’s a very good thing. Why try to deny it?

  15. ARKillz3 says:

    I wish people could define, decide on, and see the religion by the beliefs of the religion, not by the people who pracice it. Because every religion believes in the corruptness of man

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