Teen Girl’s Ridiculous Anti-Gay Rap

Teen Girl's Ridiculous Anti-Gay Rap

"T For Tolerance? More like T for Terrible, Terrifying and Tragic. In recently rediscovered YouTube video, posted several months ago by user "Apologetics", a…

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17 Responses to “Teen Girl’s Ridiculous Anti-Gay Rap”

  1. JettaPG says:

    Women can get Aids too…

  2. theworstbk says:

    Well its alot harder unless they use a dildo up the asshole

  3. alyonsal5 says:

    Anyone could get AIDS dumbass

  4. ElnAlter says:

    Only no one stopped this girl from doing her rap. Complaining about a loss of free speech is only valid when someone’s free speech was actually taken away. Freedom of speech does not protect you from being criticized. It promotes criticism, if anything.

  5. cmdrkoenig67 says:

    How has anybody lost their right to free speech? Nobody has…Free speech does not free people from consequences of that free speech, nor does it free them from facing opposing opinions/views.

  6. When did they even imply that Christian conservatives should lose their right to free speech?

  7. drjrich222 says:

    What? Are you trying to be funny? Of course everyone has a right to free speech. Even Nazis have that right. Do you think that means everyone is above criticism when they exercise that right? Idiot.

  8. wp4866 says:

    not hate. a warning.

  9. avatarmn says:

    Oh, will people just quit it with that? She has her right to free speech, and we have our right to tell her she’s an idiot because of what she says.

  10. berbunny says:

    Cause women never get AIDS…

  11. yeril12 says:

    well there are females that can’t have kids at all are they natural?

  12. If it’s anti-gay, it’s hate speech! If it’s anti-Christian it’s cool, factual (according to them), intelligent (according to them) and supported by the Media. Watch…a Christian having the right to say marriage is meant to be between a man and a women, will soon have the same stigma as a white person using the “N” word. It’s going to be considered censored hate speech. Currently, vehement hostility toward the Christians is the norm. It’s going to get worse.

  13. Christians are mentally ill, why are we still taking them seriously?

  14. Ybarchov21 says:

    Sure thing.
    Mark 11:12-14
    “The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. 13 Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was NOT THE SEASON FOR FIGS. 14 Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it.”
    What an asshole. If I was his dad, I’d nail him to a fucking tree for being a total douche.

  15. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the future Sarah Palin 2025 beta version. Take a load of this nutcase.

  16. You would rather be an orphan bouncing around in a terrible foster home than be adopted by two loving men or women? You are obviously not really and truly ok with gay marriage.

  17. I don’t believe it’s appropriate to attack a young girl because she desires to communicate her religious beliefs. IDIOT!! Interesting my initial comment has disappeared! Ooops…like I said..only pro-gay have the right to state their opinions in OUR CULTURE right now. In case you don’t get that IDIOT..it means even though she still has the legal right to communicate her beliefs, our culture is not accepting of that right. JERK!

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