Love and hiphop and Real Housewives of Atlanta, Season 5, Ep. 16


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16 Responses to “Love and hiphop and Real Housewives of Atlanta, Season 5, Ep. 16”

  1. KEKE0810 says:

    Im tired of Jen crying every episode about Cons and his religion, holidays, eating habits..I mean she needs to stop. She acts like she just met him

  2. tiyeh503 says:

    You hair is everything! And you are hilarious!


  4. ayajoy17 says:

    So glad u made a review was waiting for it :) . Ur the best at it

  5. crazyhorse says:

    I cant wait for the Reunion.

  6. sparcle66 says:

    Koffebrown2 u are so thinking the same thing I was thinking when I saw what rashida had on. I was like really chick and on top of that why did she look like she was running without actually moving in that dress like she could hardly walk.

  7. Nicole C says:

    I’ve been trying to get behind Kordell and Porsha’s relationship but she threw me with the strip club thing. I get wanting to respect your husband and all but…the hell??? If I want to do something I’m doing it, especially on a girls trip!!! I MIGHT call him and tell him I’m going but that’s just a courtesy. SMH Po’ girl.

  8. Muchlove, stop taking up for Kenya. She was the one that started a lot of mess and wants it to go away when she is ready. On top of that, SHE brought up Walter. Kenya takes plenty of shots at the others and is too messy to be as old as she is. She should be able to receive the shots back. IJS.

  9. One more thing, Kenya needs to put up a disclaimer on her booty video. She got her butt courtesy of Dr. Surgeon and not squats. People gonna think that they can get her kind of booty by working out. Come on now! That’s false advertisement!!

  10. Bruce Wayne says:

    Dominitrix Mcdonald lmao

  11. Justice Lee says:

    Kenya did nothing wrong this episode. How you gonna tell her who to take up for

  12. Justice Lee says:

    Another thing, THEY ALL ARE MESSY!

  13. Who said they weren’t?!!!!!! I’m specifically talking about Kenya just like I felt like doing.

  14. I stated facts. You don’t like it? Anyhow, I guess you supposed to be checking me on what I said to Muchlove (which was not offensive because even she says we all have valid opinions). Lol. Hilarious thought! What you mad for?

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