John Lewis and Billy Taylor – Jazz Piano Masters

Two Jazz piano masters make musical magic in a rare duo setting. Dr. Billy Taylor appeared on hundreds of jazz albums and wrote more than 300 tunes, includin…

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10 Responses to “John Lewis and Billy Taylor – Jazz Piano Masters”

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  5. Danica Arma says:

    Idk if this is too much to ask, but how did these guys improvise with this song? scales? I always wanted to learn jazz piano, but music theory isn’t available at my school. it would be super awesome if someone could “analyze” how they did this? :D

  6. JuneBee55 says:

    Fabulous rendition of Here’s That Rainy Day! So evocative of – something nostalgic! Lovely, lovely, lovely! Thank you so much for posting. Have you got a video of John Lewis playing a solo of Round Midnight?

  7. Enjoying the music great

  8. TheSublima says:

    Ces notes sont un pur plaisir !!

  9. ceroso398 says:

    After 5 hours of massive procrastination I’m here listening to this finishing my undergraduate thesis at 4:00 am

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