HipHop Compiler for PHP? Transforming PHP into C++

(May 5, 2010) Haiping Zhao, the Senior Server Engineer at Facebook, discusses how PHP, an easy to use programming language, can be transformed into semantica…

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5 Responses to “HipHop Compiler for PHP? Transforming PHP into C++”

  1. I am very happy to see the vidoe from you, hopefully the others also are happy for You can be transformed into semantically equivalent C++ to solve performance problems associated with the language and speed up PHP execution.

  2. xonerful says:

    WTF ? java is interpreted ? java code is execute by hotspot vm which is the most sophisticated virtual machine on the planet, which does many sophisticated such as native code generation, inline caching, rocket science level garbage collection,
    hip hop a static compiler is somewhat a joke compared to hotspot

  3. Once java code is NOT executed by the processor directly - then it is interpreted.

  4. xonerful says:

    it is, that’s what native code generation

    and btw, hotspot vm is created in late 90′s early 2000, so maybe your source for argument is more than 10 years old

  5. Tank0923 says:

    Ok, I need a video that will show me how to use Hiphop

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