The Economy: Ron Paul vs Zeitgeist [RAP NEWS 9]

"The economy" threatens to annihilate our stock-piles of imaginary, inflated wealth, spawning a battle of epic proportions as insurgent grassroots forces move in to #OccupywallStreet and coalitions of indignados hold their ground in Athens, Madrid and Tel Aviv; facing up to the riotgear, batons and tazers that stand between them and a more equal redistribution of the proverbial pie. …But enough action and excitement! It's time for some heroic armchair philosophy: Join your affable host, Robert Foster as he attempts to shine some light on this mysterious creature, "the economy". Is this the failure of capitalism that we are witnessing, or its triumph? Is it the end of the end of history, or yet another crazy chapter in the whimsical journey of the human experiment? Postscript: For the occasion, we've pulled out the big guns: admittedly it was a tough choice deciding who to interview: we could've had Alan Greenspan on the show, or the Emperor himself, Milton Friedman; the first lady, Christine Lagarde; or financial buffs like Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff and Donald Trump. But to get the freshest juice we knew we had to go further – much further. Rap News 9 features two VIP Internet grandees who have uploaded gigabytes of juice via the one remaining free frequency to feed a discerning and ravenous audience, thirsty for answers. Whilst these two fine folk agree with each other on many things, fortunately, there's no shortage of issues to rap-battle about. Well, time's short <b>…</b>

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15 Responses to “The Economy: Ron Paul vs Zeitgeist [RAP NEWS 9]”

  1. Jcolinsol says:

    Sounds like ideas evolving towards practicality.

  2. romanmir01 says:

    As an atheist, I find your comment highly amusing (talk about ‘spiritual’ whatever). As a realist I find it highly amusing (psychotherapist?) you think you are able to avoid competition in your life in every aspect of it, maybe you should see a psychotherapist.

  3. Malthus0 says:

    “why e.g. cars don´t last 200 years?!” History of automotion is one of continuing increasing quality. It doesn’t take a long memory to remember how rubbish cars were just 20 years ago. As a child older cars were piles of rust & even newer ones needed constant jumpstarting. & safety too is much better. You just assume unlimited resources then wonder why we don’t have the best engeering posible. It makes more sense that increasing quality takes resources away from other uses & may not be worth it

  4. Foryeva says:

    You’re absolutely correct, and humans must be in eternal conflict. Expect irrational war, exploitation of others, and endless mindless competition for all of time. Don’t even desire a world that isn’t a giant pile of meaningless shit, why bother with that. Make your life an attempt to boost your pathetic ego by stepping on the backs of others while not realizing that they are you and you are they. Do that.

  5. romanmir01 says:

    Only you are the mindless one, not realising what competition is, not realising what life is, not realising that the only reason we exist is what you hate obviously, but hey, nobody is forcing YOU to compete, so don’t.

  6. romanmir01 says:

    Oh, and as to “they are you and you are they”, how about you eat a bag of dicks? I am me, I am not you and you are not me, trust me on that.

  7. Malthus0 says:

    If technology were good enough to save man from his deep social & economic problems then surface phenomena could not stand in its way. In Marxist terms the economic technological base will have an effect on the superstructure(law, culture ect). We would notice. The idea that VP style society just needs a change in social organisation is deeply naive. Relying on all kinds of untenable assumptions. You certainly wouldn’t get the green light from academic organisation theorists.

  8. Nutzername36 says:

    what do u mean? a technical revolution? as i grow up i was thinking stuff like “oh jear if solar panels would be more efficient everything would be all right and we could solve energy crisis”. but it´s not about 0,5% more efficiency, it´s about building that stuff. that´s not an surface phenomena, it´s deep rooted into society that people don´t have access to means of production and knowledge how technology works.
    just the possibility that technology can exist itself dosn´t solve anything.

  9. Nutzername36 says:

    p.s.: i´m certainly wouldn´t give a f*** about the green light from academic organisation theorists ;)

  10. Malthus0 says:

    “give a f*** about the green light from academic organisation theorists” Well that figures, yours is an anti intellectual movement. It has to be otherwise it would dissolve as its adherents realise it has no scientific basis. If you disagree point me to movement proponents journal articles. Useful & cost effective technology is used. That affects society. The promised AI & automation that is the core of VP promises would be used & noticed if it was ripe.

  11. SSchithFoo says:

    Some things are more than the sum of its parts. Look at VP from a holistic point of view. You can also find similarities between Capitalism and Marxism but that does not mean Capitalism = Marxism.

  12. Malthus0 says:

    “also find similarities between Capitalism and Marxism”
    You know that Marx developed his ideas as the complete negation of capitalism. As a kind of photographic negative. That is why he talks about ‘contradictions’ of capitalism because he believed that the laws of capitalism must lead to it developing into its opposite. Any similarities between actually existing ‘communist’ countries & capitalism will thus be due to a failure of Marxist predictions & efforts rather then representing their goals

  13. Malthus0 says:

    “Venus Project has nothing to do with Socialism or Communism” Well Sybok123 was talking about Economic calculation problem. Which is a challenge to all proposed economic systems “socialist” or not that wish to do away with market exchange in production goods. That applies to ZM/VP. The only way to overcome this challenge is to explain in detail how the different technically possible production good combinations can be judged in terms of the opportunities lost in picking one over the others.

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