Japanese Jazz Musician Burns Piano

Famed Japanese jazz pianist Yosuke Yamashita has expressed his burning passion for music by setting his piano on fire at a beach. Let's take a look. For more news and videos visit ☛ ntd.tv Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛ on.fb.me 66-year-old jazz pianist Yosuke Yamashita is receiving some criticism for wasting a piano. While playing an improvised jazz piece before about 500 spectators, his piano burst into flames. Yamashita continued playing for a full 10 minutes before the strings burnt out and snapped, and the piano went quiet. [Yosuke Yamashita, Japanese jazz pianist]: "I did not think I was risking my life but I was almost suffocating from the smoke that was continuously getting into my eyes and nose. I had decided to keep on playing until the piano stopped making sounds, so though I did not mean it but it ended up having a life-or -death battle between the piano and myself." This extraordinary piano performance was not the first time he has played a burning piano. 35 years ago, when he was a fledgling pianist, Japanese graphic designer Kiyoshi Awazu asked him to play for his short film "burning piano". Yamashita recently saw the film again and decided to recreate the moment. [Ken Awazu, Son of graphic designer Kiyoshi Awazu]: "I think though it is just a 10 minute performance, it holds an essence of artistic expression because he risked his life and career and took a serious approach to a project which is very ephemeral and unperfectable." The <b>…</b>

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8 Responses to “Japanese Jazz Musician Burns Piano”

  1. My rear sir. I hope you end up like the piano. Why were you in Japan in the first place if you are so racist? you are the reason some Japanese hate foreigners such as yourself….generalizing just makes it worse. and positive feedbacks? You don’t even need to have an english degree to teach english there. We don’t expect a lot from gaijins so of course you’d get positive feedback.I refuse to argue with ignorant people like you who don’t even seem like you’ve been to Japan.じゃまたてめー。

  2. Luk Vaes says:

    This is not newsworthy: 45 years ago, Annea Lockwood investigated the potential of burning pianos, and to a greater extent than this man. This is nothing more than plagiarism.

  3. 0:41 there’s a red screen there :3

  4. Amber Hall says:

    I don’t like this video at all. I am an advanced piano player and couldn’t practice for a year because I could afford a piano and didnt have room in my house. After saving money, I finally bought a piano that is beat up and far from perfect– I would’ve begged for this beautiful grand piano! Such a shame he chose to burn it when so many could have benefitted from playing it. The piano obviously worked! An instrument isn’t trash until it literally falls apart and one is unable to play.

  5. Estos japoneses son bastante gilipollas.

  6. kfspiano says:

    How much did that video cost? Well, for next to nothing, I made one in my backyard, and didn’t even wear fire-resistant garb: check out on Youtube: ” Marmandaise Hot Rag “, you’ll see one doesn’t need to be pretentious…;-)

  7. abzgroupinc says:


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