Mario – TP OK Jazz – Franco Luambo Makiadi

Mario – Probably Franco's greatest hit. (well, part of it anyway)

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12 Responses to “Mario – TP OK Jazz – Franco Luambo Makiadi”

  1. kinjasalama says:

    Translatio, it’s sung from a woman’s point of view. She’s had enough of her man Mario who doesn’t work, she pays for everything, his clothing, shoes, food, everything in the house, improved his social status and on top of all this he’s also very possessive and physically abusive. She’s finally breaking up with him.

  2. Eric Wambugu says:

    Awesome song Franco and the TP ok band

  3. Wow madilu systeme rip les 2stars quel plaisirr

  4. aymonegirl says:

    say it again #franco4life incroyable

  5. povo a youtube tem bwe mais

  6. gushungo0903 says:

    ohhhhhhhh classic…..this brings back so many memories

  7. wangxi89 says:

    I don’t understand but….a lovely song

  8. très belle chanson.en ce moment bouaké etait bouaké et le bar des anciens combattans etait en vogue .et j’ai la nostalgie de bouaké

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