I’m A Rapper

I'm A Rapper

BUY HERE ON ITUNES: http://bit.ly/ImARapper Because we have reached 1 million subscribers, it's time i shared something with you… I'm A Rapper ;) . I've nev…

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18 Responses to “I’m A Rapper”

  1. Nicola C says:

    I just noticed Niomi’s in this!

  2. rapha98pi says:

    Marky butt butt ;D

  3. I think we both know who needs to fuck off. Maybe next time you should learn how to actually use cuss words… because you make no fucking sense.

  4. I think we both know who needs to fuck off here. Come back to me later when you actually know how to cuss, Which should only be a few years since you’re 12

  5. mary starr says:

    Am I the only one who thought the guy singing the chorus was Alfie at first glance!!!

  6. I actually think this suits Marcus aha,He’s so attractive

  7. Janet .V says:

    this is really awkward to watch…

  8. Colin Fitton says:


  9. alana harvey says:

    twerking all day and all night

  10. Congrats on nearly 1.5 million subs Marcus!

  11. just bought from itunes

  12. markie BUTTBUTT on the track… HELLOOOOOO

  13. Ana Harper says:

    jaja better then so many “real” rappers jajajaj

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