The 5 Street Dance Styles Everyone Should Know About

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18 Responses to “The 5 Street Dance Styles Everyone Should Know About”

  1. PurplePurpel says:

    Under 301 Club xP

  2. Zox453 says:

    Let me guess, people will start complaining about how it’s only American

  3. _Collision_ says:

    Are they in the world of GTA V? :P 

  4. American street dance? don’t other countries do this too?

  5. MrJb713 says:

    2000′s … Twerking

  6. omg did you guys notice the new sound when liking a comment?

  7. Look exactly like gta 5

  8. ami2fast4y0u says:

    Is it just me, or do these moves look more random moves than dance moves

  9. They all looked the same to me

  10. Lol just realized, the guy with the dreads is Shofu’s brother lol… if
    anyone knows who shofu even is here…

  11. hows this history ? 

  12. 2016T says:

    The background looks like gta v

  13. What about dub dances. Has anyone ever watched NONSTOP? He’s freaking

  14. the poppin was…. jus… just awful

  15. Wow you forgot some big ones in this list like shuffle, hardstyle,
    jumpstyle, tecktonik, dubstep.

  16. Nialee Mass says:

    thank you guys, that was grand and a reminder of really good times!

  17. the reason why all of these look alike is because they are usually
    derivatives of each other. A lot of cultures around the world adopt from
    other inspirations. Also, it could be the whole “west coast vs. east

  18. Popping was invented in Fresno. It was popularized in the Bay Area, though.

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