You Write The Lyrics Ep. 2

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19 Responses to “You Write The Lyrics Ep. 2”

  1. Melinda Tran says:

    This is……surprisingly good..

  2. I think a destorm is cool and I’m from england

  3. How does this have 80 thumbs up?
    Yeah, it’s okay, but he should at least try to use grammar.

  4. xXB0Y954Xx says:

    Are you blind? And deaf?

  5. Mikey B says:

    do you feel it, can you see it, is taste or texture there for you to believe it.

  6. jinkin255 says:

    they lyrics scott wrote are utter crap and a little over the top for Destorm, considering he didn’t use it in ep. 3 i think it’s explanatory.

  7. WolfzyArts says:

    u like rap music? try to see if those guys say the words correctly? rap isnt about grammar -.-

  8. Sherene21BB says:

    oh yeah!
    yeah! yeah! yeah!
    yeah! yeah! yeah!

  9. How. How does the dude who wrote that comment feels

  10. Flappy Puppy says:

    What’s up world its TUESDAY EVENING

  11. Hqhaha blah blah blah bla bla bla blah

  12. MrNthy says:

    If you look at the name of the comments it’s mostly his other channel

  13. KidDarkness7 says:

    Like bees on the block the streets still buzzing say you got 12 hits then I’m a bakers dozen

  14. TixelPro says:

    You. Just. Blew. My. Mind.

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