Transformers: The Score – Arrival To Earth

Transformers: The Complete Expanded Score (playlist): Transformers: The Score – Arrival To…

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15 Responses to “Transformers: The Score – Arrival To Earth”

  1. DrainPigLP says:

    i love it so[best epic song ever]

  2. pilobou says:

    I love it!!!!+.+

  3. no we’re not I’m forming an alliance.

  4. ehrhdalfk says:

    with who?, even if u are, US alone has enough nukes to destroy the world. And it is assumed China has more nukes than US, because of their endless supply of Uranium from NK

  5. ArkonPT says:

    I’ll never understand that one…

  6. ArkonPT says:

    Fuck dubstep, really

  7. MrPelle Joku says:

    Check jokerit stadi

  8. Lisa Lemcke says:

    4:10 is the best part

  9. Lachlan1314 says:

    Einstein predicted that the weapons that would be used during World War III would be so destructive that humanity would be set back to the stone ages, if not kill us all. The idea behind the quote is that World War III is not in any way a good thing, and that we should do everything necessary to avoid it for the sake of humanity.

    The music really helped while I was typing that. I felt important for a second.

  10. We as organisms evolve because of boundaries preventing us to fulfil

  11. We as organisms evolve because of boundaries that prevented us to for fulfil

  12. moes80 says:

    all this talk of wars. now this song makes me think of seal team 6 going after bin laden

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