10 Famous Belgians – Jean Claude Van Damme? Tintin??

In honor of the forthcoming adaptation of Herge's Tintin, here are 9 more of Belgium's finest exports. Where else to find All Time 10s… Facebook: http://ow…

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19 Responses to “10 Famous Belgians – Jean Claude Van Damme? Tintin??”

  1. olletash says:

    10 famous Americans, oh wait everyone knows them (George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Steven Speilberg, Quentin Tarantino, Angelina Jollie, and lastly Chris Rock)

  2. kounsucks says:

    Yeah! JCVD the badass!!!

  3. Charlemagne and Audrey Hepburn weren’t Belgians. Sure they were born in Belgian cities but they only lived in Belgium for the very first of their years of their lives, they didn’t have Belgian parents and they didn’t live with Belgian culture. Otherwise you might as well claim Bradley Wiggins or Charles V to be Belgians.

  4. Swagcruisin says:

    charles v is belg mongol

  5. Swagcruisin says:

    1.belgium and holland were 1 union that had split ,nobdoy stole it ,france,holland,belgium,spain were 1 empire once ,ruled by a french emperor,that explains the french speaking part ,the same goes with german,so study before you argue

  6. im0rtalpunk says:

    they forgot the smurfs, and sadly enoug the inventors of fries and waffles are not famous

  7. im0rtalpunk says:

    indeed belgium once was holland and used to be france once and that’s why it’s bilangual (and also gemran a little bit) and they just got their old “belgica” back from before christ

  8. im0rtalpunk says:

    can someone give the message because it’s deleted? :D

  9. im0rtalpunk says:

    it’s more simple than that theres only one part that speaks dutch calld flanders which is mostly next to the netherlands and the northsea only 1 part that speaks french wallonia which is mostly next to france luxembourgh and germany and theres the german speaking society which is theoretically also wallonia

  10. im0rtalpunk says:

    true wallonia biggest part of belgium 40% people and a lot of nature and not many night shops and busses flanders 60% population of belgium somewhat smaller part but a lot of nightshops and stuff and busses and less nature but more festivals I live in both :D

  11. im0rtalpunk says:

    yup that’s one of my first arguments when people say belgium is dumb even though I not really attached to my country :p

  12. I looked at every single videos expecting something belgian – I would have been so proud. And then, as the playlist goes on, I saw this. And well, that’s cool, Thank you “Alltime10s” for your amazing videos, and thanks for this one too :D

  13. TheGreer90 says:

    Hepburn’s not Belgian

  14. Donal Lour says:

    TinTin is Leon Degrelle!

  15. captainswift says:

    She was born in Brussels.

  16. In Flemish his name is much cooler: “Kuifje” i can’t come up with the english word but its the name of his hair

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