Dave Weiner: Jazz for the Non-Jazz Player

Musicians Institute and Guitar World bring you a series of guitar lessons with some of the top guitar instructors around. In this video, Dave Weiner gives a lesson on " Jazz for the Non-Jazz Player."

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15 Responses to “Dave Weiner: Jazz for the Non-Jazz Player”

  1. JgHaverty says:

    No, has nothing to do with the techniques themselves. I’m talking about his “teaching ability”. Compare this video to one of paul gilberts tutorial videos. I’ve gotten to meet dave a few times, he always left a bad taste in my mouth. I have better things to do then bad mouth people I’ve never met or heard of before I wandered across their youtube videos, he’s just a douche bag, end of story lol

  2. Condos bass says:

    steve vai sidekick

  3. UncleRob199 says:

    Damn he doesn’t look extremely young anymore!

  4. actually he did just fine… i think the issue is, his lesson is over your head. I could understand it perfectly. You take your basic Pentatonic shape. Perhaps minor and major scale shapes of pentatonic along with the 2 diatonic modes that correspond, and you add your chromatics in between there as a little treat here and there. Make sure you highlight the 7th diatonic note often. In A minor, that would be G. That creates a jazzy rock fusion sound. Resolving on G alot makes it work.

  5. also if you are playing in C major, resolving or starting on B works alot too.

  6. Drblooter99 says:

    Actually that’s a fantastic approach. You can’t get lost because your basic arpeggio shape is always in mind, and you go “out” here and there to add colour.

  7. awesome, Dave’s a great teacher

  8. And I didn’t even need to pay for the lesson!

  9. gtrrobster says:

    Dang… you am one bitter MoFo!
    Very clear instruction actually.
    Maybe you should read up on some theory basics before criticizing a guy
    who is teaching some advanced concepts in a way that intermediates are able to understand and apply. You are just not there yet. Sorry.

  10. JgHaverty says:

    Im hardly bitter, I’ve met the guy at jemfest and he was a tool. Not much to say really.

    I never said he’s not a great player, never said he doesn’t know his stuff (he clearly does! he works with steve vai as he will tell you 30 times), im saying hes not a good teacher. I understand whats going on, but thats because I already know whats going on. If someone comes to him green, they wont understand whats going on.

  11. gtrrobster says:

    Whatever you say dude. CArry on ripping on people for trying to spread some good info if it serves you.  Especially on a public forum.

  12. JgHaverty says:

    You ever meet the guy? I have … He’s a douche bag. As far as his “trying to spread good info”, news flash, he GETS PAID TO DO IT. This isn’t done out of the goodness of his heart -.-

  13. Shawn Guess says:

    yeah, ive met him many times — hung out with him back stage, hung out with him before shows. . . and he is an incredibly nice guy and went out of his way several times to make sure i got after show passes simply because i asked. maybe you had a very isolated experience where he was sick, had a particularly bad day, or something else. . . but you wont find many people who have anything negative to say about dave. so stop being a prick.

  14. Ray Haroon says:

    good stuff…..sweet clean sound. Nice guitar as well. Thanks for sharing.

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